Troubleshooting - DXDiag Usage
If you get errors or issues running Muvizu, you can help us by sending in your system specifications so we can better understand the computer you're running Muvizu on.
To do this you need to use a small part of Direct X. This is called DXDiag, which is a tool that is shipped by Microsoft with DirectX and basically gathers your system configuration and lets you save it as a text file.
To use it follow these instructions:
- Click the start menu.
- Select Run. (If you are using Windows Vista, 7 or 8 you can skip this step and type directly into the Start menu search field).
- Type dxdiag and hit enter (or click ok).
- Wait until the processing bar runs to completion.
- Click the save information button.
- Attach the file with all the information to an email reply to us.
You can find more information on DXDiag at