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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • How do i make a particular object appear only at a specified time?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Select object-->Prepare-->Object properties-->Visible-->Direct Then tick the box when you want it to be invisible or visible.
      • Over a year ago by balapriyanka
      • Thank you..This works fine for objects.Can you please let me know for words too?(words needs to appear only at a particular time)

        Is there any option to scale the words as a whole instead of individual letters?
      • Over a year ago by RandiKilback
      • The incorporation of references and sources significantly bolsters the credibility of the information being presented. It is truly commendable to witness a steadfast dedication to accuracy.
    • Over a year ago
    • Each time the character movement keeps on changing from the path which i set .Also the origin point of the character gets changed frequently .Where do i go wrong?
      • Over a year ago by balapriyanka
      • In timeline, the movement appears in red color (sometimes) instead of blue.What does red color mean?
    • Over a year ago
    • I would like to move a character from one place to the other.The character will be holding a basket (2d)full of pellet.How do i move it along with basket.Can anyone let me know how to do?