• Over a year ago
    • Thanks.
    • Over a year ago
    • Thank's for the help, but I want them one after another, not at the same time. Whenever I make the character lipsync to the second, it removes it for the first. Will I have to put them into one file? Also, if so, where are they kept in the computer?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • You will have to make a single file with Audacity. You may also need to re-record your audio if it was done inside Muvizu.
      • 1 month ago by JenniferRPittman
      • "It's great to see kornexls actively participating in the Muvizu community! The creativity of https://basketrandom.com has brought a lot of fun and your dedication to animation is truly inspiring
    • Over a year ago
    • I can't get a character to lypsinc to two tracks. When I record the second one, it deletes the first. Any help?