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Home ? General Discussion ? You think you've got problems?

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13/05/2012 20:22:33

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Just a quick note to ask folks to please bear with me, I've got some major problems with my father...Oh to cut a long story short the silly sod's barking at the television. Having just organised carers to get him up and dressed in a morning, argued with district nurses to do their jobs and give him his insulin morning and evening, organised respite care, sorted out the mental health liaison team, briefed his GP, got all of the agencies to finally work together...Dad got pneumonia and after less than a week back in his own home, is now back in hospital, so I have to start all over again getting everybody working from the same hymn sheet... again... once Dad is home... again.

Now I'm coping fine...had an emergency dental appointment...lost a tooth down to grinding teeth in my sleep...developed an infection which has now spread to my I'm coping well what's that?

Oh yes, in the midst of this my sixteen year old daughter chose to inform me her new boyfriend was twenty-two...

What? Oh yes barking at the TV...yes he was, and baa-ing...

Now bearing in mind my Mum died of stroke at 52, Dad has one lung, is diabetic and insulin dependent and now has dementia I was pinning my hopes on my Mum having played around a bit when Dad was in the Navy. No such luck...just been informed I'm the spitting image of the and so...

Oh daughter informs me its an EX boyfriend, so I can put the baseball bat...oh to hell with it...if you can't beat 'em...

Woof! Baaa! Woof!
13/05/2012 21:11:38

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471
My thoughts and prayers are with you Dylly!
13/05/2012 22:11:44

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Thanks Mysto! I think I need to relax and Muvizu!
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Home ? General Discussion ? You think you've got problems?