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Home ? Feedback ? Great Program with a lot of potential.. but...

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01/08/2012 09:28:48

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
Stick with it!

There's no 3d animation program out there that comes close for simplicity and speed of quality production!
edited by Dreeko on 01/08/2012
01/08/2012 10:32:09

Posts: 582
Hi Eagle,

Thanks for telling us about your experience with Muvizu. Don't be afraid to post questions or ask for advice, we have a very helpful community.

Let me pop one advice concerning the timeline.
The layers that are displayed on the timeline are specific to the object selected, except a couple exceptions, like background sounds and sound effects or even dialogue.

If you animate an object for example, and go to the timeline, the animations will only be displayed on the timeline if you have the animated object selected.

I hope this helps. Oh, and by way.. Welcome to Muvizu

01/08/2012 19:27:08

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
muvizu is great and it works well. I have had it crash on me so far only once. I am building custom sets with all objects I made and the first set is almost done (well 3 sets really but 2 of them are simply indoor versions of the first set so its like one giant set hehe). I have had no issues importing anything into it and in one case I created a vehicle with a little man inside so a pretty complicated mesh.

I then spent some time testing just how many actors/puppets whatever you want to call them is possible to get on a set well lets just say its a lot (this is on a 64 bit system mind you) I got tired of hitting the create button

all this and they charge you 0.00 quite frankly its amazing. I saw a few muvizu animations about 6 months ago and downloaded muvizu then but had no time to do anything with it until recently.

There are tons of effects as well and they have an internal texture animating set up that pretty much makes it possible to create any illusion you please

and then I say to myself "all this for free " again

and thank muvizu for making such an epic piece of software available for users who may have zero budget that allows them to use machinima to tell their stories with!

edited by urbanlamb on 01/08/2012
edited by urbanlamb on 01/08/2012
edited by urbanlamb on 01/08/2012
11/09/2012 21:10:40

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225
The OP seems to have gone missing Creeped out
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Home ? Feedback ? Great Program with a lot of potential.. but...