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Home ? Tech Help ? Impossible to login

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08/07/2010 08:15:46

Posts: 1
Hello you there!
Unfortunately I cannot get started with muvizu. When I login I get the "username or password is incorrect" message, but with the same username and password I can login in
Any suggestion anybody?
08/07/2010 10:23:06

Muvizu_AdminMuvizu staff
Posts: 100
hi diwani,
thanks for downloading muvizu and taking the time to try it out! i'm sorry you're having problems logging in - but from your message below i'm not quite sure what you're trying to do and what is going wrong.

are you trying to upload your clip via the app using the website log ins? if so, i can see your problem. we are utilising youtube to transcode and host clips made in muvizu for many reasons, but primarily for a quick turnaround for users to see their videos online. when you upload via the app, you have to use your youtube account log in.

we switched over to this method a few months ago for various reasons, and utlising the youtube api we made it possible for users to connect their muvizu accounts with their youtube accounts. to do this:
  • go to edit profile
  • there will be a link under your username encouraging you to link your youtube account to your muvizu account. click on this
  • you will be asked to link your accounts. please note: we do not have access to nor will we store your youtube/google account details. the api allows us to connect them but we do not store any information
  • don't have a youtube/google account? create one free of charge at - then follow the above steps.
i hope this helps. if you're still having problems or if i've not addressed your main issue above, please feel free to get in touch.


the muvizu team
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Home ? Tech Help ? Impossible to login