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Home ? Importing Assets ? FBX Attachments with textures - TOTAL FAILURE

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31/01/2014 14:35:20

chucklesExperimental user
Posts: 126
After spending about 2 months learning 3d modelling, and spending £150 of my pension, on Muvizu Play+, I thought I was on the way to achieving great results. BUT, after working for a week on a project, and saving the results as "Favourites" each day, and saving the set files, and adding just one 5 second animation, everything was working fine UNTIL I saved my set. I tried to reload it and got - "Resource could not be loaded from package".
I tried to start again, but all the attachments which had textures would only load with that stupid red and white pattern. Now I Get a new message - " object called NAME MISSING", or "there was an error loading the scene".
I Had just 4 characters with a total of 6 textured attachments.
Further saves and reloads result in the "resource could not be loaded" message.
I have read the forums, but unless I am missing something, there does not seem to be a way to carry on with Muvizu, in the way I wanted and paid for.
Anyone ?
31/01/2014 15:49:55

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
send in the assets yes there are some fbx bugs they are random and texture related from what I can see. You will need to send in the sets and assets seperately and they will work on it.

I just use the support window and sent in the offending bits. Any information they can get will be helpful but for the moment once the set reaches about 100 mb in size (including characters) it will fail more often then not. I have managed to get a few sets to work but it was with minimal textures on the set no more then about 10 at most . Its not handling the added data well and they will need to fix that.
edited by urbanlamb on 31/01/2014
05/02/2014 09:35:43

CaroleMuvizu staff
Posts: 67
Hi Chuckles,
We've been having a few issues with our hosting/emails here for a couple of days. Just wanted to check if you mailed over your assets to our QA team or if your issue has been resolved?
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Home ? Importing Assets ? FBX Attachments with textures - TOTAL FAILURE