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Home ? How Do I ...? ? sizing an object in only one of 3 dimensions

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25/08/2015 22:14:37

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I was watching the tutorial on backdrops, and I noticed that Barry was able to change only the width of a backdrop without changing the height. Every time I try to resize an object, all 3 sizing sliders move together... I can't move only one at a time.

Am I doing something wrong? Or has something changed in MUVIZU since that tutorial was made?
26/08/2015 20:38:20

Posts: 25
just a suggestion... try clicking that little chain link at the left of the scale sliders and it will unsynchronize them. works for me!
26/08/2015 21:22:44

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Thanks! I never would have figured that out in a million years! In fact, I didn't even NOTICE the chain icon until you mentioned it!

I like it when things work, because that means I'm not as clueless today as I was yesterday...
29/08/2015 03:20:00

Posts: 25
no problem, still learning new things about Muvizu too!
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? sizing an object in only one of 3 dimensions