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Home ? General Discussion ? Sure wish they'd get a move on with this store....

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13/10/2015 01:15:00

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Will it be a big shop or a little one? what colour might it be, wonder what profit i errm i mean we could make from it .yep sure do wonder.
13/10/2015 07:10:10

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Woah, slow down there! It's only been out for a couple of weeks.
As many others have said, they still have to make sure their system is in place and working before they can let users have free roam of the store. This is only the second time they've had to deal with implementing a payment system. Give it a month or two, then ask again.
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Home ? General Discussion ? Sure wish they'd get a move on with this store....