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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? How to edit character after it is created.

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30/03/2016 16:50:18

Posts: 1
I want to edit a character now that it has been created and is in my movie. Can't seem to find this in the tutorials.
26/04/2016 19:10:15

Posts: 4
Hola. Simplemente haz click con El Botón secundario del ratón Sobre el personaje y Selecciona Editar, o con el personaje seleccionado, pulsa Ctrl+E, en la ventana que sale a continuación puedes modificar las características del personaje.
Un saludo.

Hi. Simply click right-mouse button on the character and select Edit, or with the selected character, press Ctrl + E, in the window that leaves can then modify the characteristics of the character.
A greeting.
edited by soyunjca on 26/04/2016
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? How to edit character after it is created.