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Home ? Characters ? How do I have a character pick up something?

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02/11/2010 04:16:34

Posts: 1
I am making my first movie and I have to have a character pick up a book in the first scene. How can this be done?
02/11/2010 08:59:26

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Unfortunately picking up objects is not possible in Muvizu at the moment; you will need to use a workaround - using other software or using camera /angles cuts which hint at but don't show the actual picking up.
The new release will - I believe - enable objects to be moved so with greta care you might be able to time the movement of the book with one of the predefined character moves
edited by toonarama on 11/2/2010
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Home ? Characters ? How do I have a character pick up something?