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Home ? Importing Assets ? Rab ibto a problem

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22/12/2010 00:51:22

Posts: 13
Trying to create NEW objects after downloading Google Sketchup and following Jamie's excellent tutoril ... I downloaded the zip/ plugin file also required to "export" files into ASE .... Now for the problem, unless I am doing something wrong when I export to ASE ... it seems that the New Google Sketchup 8 is incompatible to the plugin ... as the ASEwhich I make will not load up in Mucizu and even closes the program down on occassions. What's the go?

Michael AKA Wayfinder

PS: Any chance of some hints for the Easter Eggs?
22/12/2010 09:51:42

JamieMuvizu staff
(Account inactive)
Posts: 609
As much as I'd like to take credit for the tutorials on object import they were made by Jim (although technically Jamie also). Anyway, I'll pass your request over to Jim to help you out Michael.

The one thing I will say is that the exporter for google sketchup 8 works fine, over to Jim though.

Direct, don't animate!
22/12/2010 10:43:54

Posts: 698
Morning Michael/Wayfinder,

I have been using Sketchup 8 and the plugin together with pretty good results - however there is the occasional model which can cause problems with Muvizu.

I would recommend trying out a simple shape, such as a cube, to double-check that there isn't a problem with the plugin.

If you are able to import the simple shape into Muvizu then there is a problem with the model.

The most common problems are:

1. The model is too complex and cannot be exported properly
2. The collision geometry is invalid

The easiest to check is the collision Geometry- if you open up the model with a text editor (notepad ++ is the best, in my opinion) and delete the collision geometry. The Geometry is everything after, and including this:

*NODE_NAME "UCX_pCubeShape1"
*NODE_NAME "UCX_pCubeShape1"

If the model doesn't have the "UCX_" in it that means there isn't any collision geometry.

If the model still doesn't work after removing the collision geometry (or it never had any to begin with) could you please send the model to ? Hopefully we will be able to figure out what the problem is.

Take care,
22/12/2010 12:25:45

Posts: 13
Rab ibto a problem (got to lay off the EggNog)

Thanks Jim and Jamie! Have a Great Christmas

glasgowjim wrote:
Morning Michael/Wayfinder,

I have been using Sketchup 8 and the plugin together with pretty good results - however there is the occasional model which can cause problems with Muvizu.

I would recommend trying out a simple shape, such as a cube, to double-check that there isn't a problem with the plugin.

If you are able to import the simple shape into Muvizu then there is a problem with the model.

The most common problems are:

1. The model is too complex and cannot be exported properly
2. The collision geometry is invalid

The easiest to check is the collision Geometry- if you open up the model with a text editor (notepad ++ is the best, in my opinion) and delete the collision geometry. The Geometry is everything after, and including this:

*NODE_NAME "UCX_pCubeShape1"
*NODE_NAME "UCX_pCubeShape1"

If the model doesn't have the "UCX_" in it that means there isn't any collision geometry.

If the model still doesn't work after removing the collision geometry (or it never had any to begin with) could you please send the model to ? Hopefully we will be able to figure out what the problem is.

Take care,
22/12/2010 13:02:21

Posts: 698
No worries Michael,

Hope you have a good Christmas too!

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Home ? Importing Assets ? Rab ibto a problem