BoomMike - all messages by user

2021/6/26 12:22:58
Sounding Off A young boy interrupts the family's TV viewing to show off his best effort.
2021/6/25 22:47:39
A Matter Of Taste In my latest cartoon, when a customer is over sampling the produce, the grocery store manager seeks help.
2021/6/22 23:23:59
Blend out possible at end of film? As I'm sure other people do, I use a separate program to edit different scenes together and it also comes with many effects including a transition like you mentioned. I use Roxio VideoWave but there are many others out there of varying prices and abilities. Unfortunately, the video program that comes with Windows doesn't do transitions.
2021/6/21 15:22:33
Can't Sleep? Can't sleep? There's always Brackish Brand coffee.

2021/6/14 22:34:22
Talking With Aliens 2 Random aliens are asked what their opinion is of human food in "Talking To Aliens 2".

2021/6/7 22:28:07
The Long Shot In "The Long Shot", Barry Fenwick has some visitors who've come a long, long way to talk to him.
2021/5/31 22:21:14
There's Always An Exception In my latest cartoon "There's Always An Exception", Zeke and Kyle are barred from the local lake beach.
2021/5/24 22:38:48
Talking With Aliens In my latest cartoon, random aliens are selected to provide their opinions on a selected topic in "Talking With Aliens".
2021/5/17 22:42:36
Fists Of Stone In my latest cartoon, The Great Impactor dukes it out with Quarry McGee.
2021/5/3 22:39:16
The Prince And The Cabbage In my latest cartoon a young prince simply will not dine on a cabbage despite his father's decree:
2021/4/26 22:38:13
The Hard Sell In my new cartoon, "The Hard Sell", some things are just a little harder to sell than others.
2021/4/19 22:47:01
Bombs Away! Sometimes you need help to get the payload doors to open.
2021/4/19 22:45:40
How to make a character walk on space My suggestion would be to have the character on an invisible ground backdrop that is floating in the air and in front of an enlarged backdrop behind it. Have the big backdrop showing what another moving camera is seeing on in a scene you have elsewhere in the set. The camera on the character could also be moving. Even the invisible ground backdrop could be moving.
2021/4/19 6:50:24
Granting Muvizu acess to youtube videos I just post on YouTube and then put the link here. Yeah, I'm not keen on letting anyone else have access to any account of mine elsewhere.
2021/4/18 23:23:04
Official Announcement for Oustlanders In my latest cartoon, "Official Announcement for Oustlanders", the tiny nation of Skiordia has a message for the world.

2021/4/5 22:49:57
A Singular Man In my latest video, Major Conrad Roberts learns about his unique place in the universe.
2021/3/28 22:35:24
A video to help your feet. When your feet are killing you, this might be just what you need!
2021/3/22 22:05:38
The Finally Revealed Beginnings Of Ablazing Man! In my latest video, how Ablazing Man came to be can finally be revealed!
2021/3/18 9:01:56
a lost episode in the development of heavier than Here's my latest video, "Gravity Defied", a lost episode in the development of heavier than air flight:
2021/2/22 23:26:27
A special message to all aliens. Here's my latest video "Attention All Aliens". It's a special message to aliens of extraterrestrial origin from the N.P.A.:
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