• Over a year ago
    • thanks mr drwho 13
    • Over a year ago
    • How does one become a mogul or tester and what does it mean to be such?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • "Testers" test the unfinished releases of Muvizu, and to be one you have to sign up when they release a new version. (I'm not sure if/when they will release their next test version)
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • "Moguls" are long time members who help out new users or contribute to Muvizu in some way.You can't sign up to be a Mogul as far as I know, you just get selected when the staff think you've helped the community.
      • 3 months ago by EmmaAlva
      • Becoming a mogul typically involves factors such as innovation, strategic thinking, risk-taking, networking, and hard work. https://tinyfishing.co
      • 2 months ago by helendam
      • https://connections-nyt.io - As players progress through the game, they unlock new categories and themes, expanding their knowledge and challenging their skills in exciting new ways.
      • 2 days ago by LucyCoffee
      • Users can choose from various skin tones, body types, and other physical attributes to create a doll that aligns with their personal preferences. Some https://ww models even offer interchangeable parts, allowing for further customization and variety.