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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • I have just asked paypal to refund me. The company seems it is going to close or it has collapsed. Not worth to continue to ask them anything whatsoever. They have not answered me since weeks and they never will.
      Farewell to all of you!
    • Over a year ago
    • These people are not replying to my requests of help and are not even willing to refund my money back So, I have purchased a serial key but I have no access and zero support. If you buy a pizza and get an empty box it's called FRAUD!!!
      • Over a year ago by Ammostro
      • Hello, send you a message. Maybe trying to send an email to But I know, I uploaded also some sets last week, and they aren't publisched for the moment. Maybe the are verry busy this moment, the week after an update.
      • Over a year ago by Ammostro
      • But don't run away. You gonna have a lot of fun when the program starts running.
      • Over a year ago by lillilulli
      • I have tried even with a previous release but keep on getting E2 error. it's quite frustrating because they have read all messages of mine and replied to none. The only thing they could say is: start the exe as administrator and I am tired of doing i
      • Over a year ago by lillilulli
      • I have purchased the play+ on 8th of april this year. Now is 19th and I am not able to work with it. The funny thing is that even trial mode doen't work as it should: the character doesn't sync it's lips with any audio whatsoever!
      • Over a year ago by lillilulli
      • I went thorughout all the tutorial available, I have twitched the program as suggested in fatal error tuts, but noithing good came out. I have reinstalled the exe I don't even know how many times: that key doesn't work and they are not willing to hel
      • Over a year ago by duanearcher
      • I don't know what could be the issue in your situation...After their Easter holiday I received an email extending the attempts and I ran as admin on an 8 year old computer, copied in the key, and it worked on the first attempt.
    • Over a year ago
    • Ref. request (#8209)
      Please, reply to my continuos requets of help. This is the 20th request I am sendong you without receiving a proper guide.
      If you keep silence even today, I have understood that you are NOT WILLING tohelp me at all!
      • 4 months ago by SamDSmith
      • Updates from lillilulli users showcase their latest collaborations Like in https://geometrydash-scratch where players showcase custom levels and Muvizu users showcase their unique animations, inviting collaboration and inspiration.