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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • I am planning to purchase the Play+ version but got scared about what's going on recently, any advice? Did anyone recently purchased (around March-April 2017) Play+ version without trouble?
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Someone bought something yesterday with no trouble
      • Over a year ago by retireno
      • well, thanks for that, I'm gonna purchase the Play+
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Update: Whilst the Joint Administrators explore potential options for a sale of the business, download of the Company’s applications will temporarily be suspended. Free trial downloads will continue to be available to customers until further notice.
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • I'm not sure what that means since you can still download Muvizu
      • Over a year ago by retireno
      • hmmm, I already downloaded the application. If I'm going to purchase the license, they'll just auto send some serial key to my email right? I am about to purchase now.
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Yep, and it will appear under the "my products" section of your profile. I would assume that if you can buy it, the server to activate must also be working. Once activated, your licence will work on that computer forever.
      • Over a year ago by retireno
      • Well, I am too late for that

        Purchasing is temporarily suspended.

        Anyway, thanks for your help. =)
      • Over a year ago by MrDrWho13
      • Ah ok thanks for the update. I guess well all have to wait and see what happens.
      • 3 months ago by otisjame
      • - The goal is to create as many words as possible within a set time limit or a specific number of moves, depending on the game mode.
      • 3 months ago by zetuifsa
      • Geometry Dash all over again! Simple to pick up, but mastering those levels takes some serious skill. Great game for all ages!