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Home ? Tech Help ? Muvizu Play make my pc LAGING a LOT !

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31/05/2013 00:41:56

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Like a lot know, I prefer the older version than the new one, because it lags less than the newer in my pc. But for my next project, I really need the new version, but the lags are SO HORRIBLE in this version. I don't know why and I don't know how to fix that.

Am I the only one in this situation, and how can I make Muvizu Play worls faster !
Your help is VERY needed !

Thanks to all who wants to help me !

31/05/2013 01:17:15

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Is the project large?

and are you using lots of home made assets?

as the project gets larger the lag will get larger
also if you have more then one camera and the camera window open it will lag

close the camera window and reduce the amount of items out

animations also increase lag lol well just about everything increases lag. The largest culprit is usually home made assets as stuff made is sketchup can be polygon heavy and all that info causes lags
31/05/2013 01:33:28

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
it also helps if you turn the shadows to simple and work in unlit mode till you need to, it will reduce the lag significantly.
31/05/2013 01:34:49

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
No, just opening Muvizu Play makes my pc laging !
31/05/2013 01:43:49

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
check to make sure only one instance of muvizu is running there is a bug and I am not sure if its fixed yet (using 23b right now instead) that sometimes old instances dont shut down so you might need to manually shut them down. If the set is a new and empty set this might be the reason.

Although as you add to the favourites etc the program gets less and less efficient so sometimes if you delete all the favourites there is more room. Muvizu also relies more on the memory of your graphics card for a lot of things .. rather then regular ram
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Home ? Tech Help ? Muvizu Play make my pc LAGING a LOT !