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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Multimesh animation

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06/03/2017 20:45:17

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113

Experimentation in progress.
Breaking waves using flying pigeons multi-mesh method.

06/03/2017 23:25:20

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Rip roaring, bracing, exciting, innovating and other words like that.
07/03/2017 00:33:44

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Rod, you are a very smart man! But you're more than that. You are also inspirational, and you have a kind heart to share your ideas and knowledge with others! I appreciate that, as I'm sure everyone else does too!

Indeed, this is just the beginning! I'm currently working on an adaptation of the same principle.. and I expect others will too!

I like the music in your videos, Rod... do you create it yourself? If so, what music program do you use?

IU also like your personal watermark! Very cool! You must be gearing up for something!

edited by PatMarrNC on 07/03/2017
07/03/2017 16:07:40

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I think what I like most about this idea is that the end result is reusable, so it's worth taking time to make the animation as good as you can get it.

In contrast, using keyframes to turn object visibility on and off is so tedious that even the most diligent animator would probably settle for a very low-res portrayal of the movement. And after all that work, a keyframed animation is only good once.

I also like the following things:

1) it can be used in a variety of ways, not limited to a narrow application

2) it fills a void in Muvizu and provides a way to create new actions that aren't in Muvizu's library

3) did I mention that the results are reusable? It's worth mentioning again!

4) great for extended animations, because the action loops until you change the texture

5) this is finally the breakthrough that opens the door for quadrapeds (moving legs, wings, jaws etc)

6) somebody will eventually make a dragon

7) because timing can be edited in video snippets, this also opens the door for musician actions that can be rendered at specific tempos so it actually looks like the musician is in synch with the song!

8) because all the work is up front while subsequent use is very easy, this approach can be used for store items that even newbies should be able to use easily.

9) unlike green screen, which is the current best alternative for introducing options that aren't possible in Muvizu, any scenes created this way will be fully 3d, framed and lighted in the same set with the rest of the Muvizu world. When panning the camera, this is priceless!

10) One of the major recurring complaints about Muvizu is that users eventually hit a dead end. This may not be a cure-all, but it certainly provides a method for creating an animation out of anything you can model!

I'd really like to see the store fill up with items like this because, unlike static objects that can be converted from Sketchup to Muvizu by a lot of people already, this is very useful and not as accessible to the average user at this point. Although, I'm sure that the modellers in the user base will all be experimenting with this idea!

I like dynamic forums full of creative people who build on one another's ideas. This is very cool stuff, and I can't wait to see what comes of it!

edited by PatMarrNC on 07/03/2017
10/03/2017 13:08:46

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
After messing with this for the past few days, I realize that the way I was hoping to use it isn't going to work. I wanted to use it in attachments, but when loading attachments you don't get the option to pick how alpha texture is treated.
10/03/2017 14:02:32

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113
PatMarrNC wrote:
After messing with this for the past few days, I realize that the way I was hoping to use it isn't going to work. I wanted to use it in attachments, but when loading attachments you don't get the option to pick how alpha texture is treated.

I tried that before. Impossible in attachments what is bad.
Unfortunately FBX format can't handle the problem too.
10/03/2017 14:09:55

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Rodrisilva wrote:
PatMarrNC wrote:
After messing with this for the past few days, I realize that the way I was hoping to use it isn't going to work. I wanted to use it in attachments, but when loading attachments you don't get the option to pick how alpha texture is treated.

I tried that before. Impossible in attachments what is bad.
Unfortunately FBX format can't handle the problem too.

One workaround might be to turn off parts of a new character's body, then make a standalone model to fill the cavity. You can do this if "can be stood on" is turned off for the model.

This works in situation where the character doesn't have to walk, such as a musician playing an instrument.
28/03/2017 16:43:29

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Is anybody else out there experimenting with Rod's multi-mesh concept? I have questions. It's very cool, and the sky appears to be the limit but... I don't get the same results all the time, and I don't know why.

My first project didn't work (textures not aligned correctly to the model). Turned out I had to flip the images vertically. After that, the textures aligned. Good. I understand the rules now (or so I thought...)

My 2nd project failed in the same way, even though I had inverted the images. Animated texture worked, but the colors were at the wrong place on the model. Turns out I had to triangulate the model. After doing that, it worked. Good.. I understand the rules now (wrong!)

My 3rd project worked as expected with triangulated model and images flipped vertically in the video...

My 4th project works if I just put the static images on the model one at a time as texture. But when I make an animated texture out of those images, the color and transparency are wrong. I've tried rotating the images all ways imaginable (no fix) I've tried combining and separating the sub assemblies (no difference)

What's interesting is that project 4 uses the same arms that worked in project 3, just re-posed. I would have expected everything to work the same way. There is apparently a rule at play that I haven't dealt with, and therefore my results aren't predictable or controllable.

I'll keep experimenting and report back if I discover the missing rule. If you've also been experimenting and you have ideas or suggestions, please share your insights.
30/03/2017 10:45:32

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
I would like to but cant get my head around it.
30/03/2017 12:43:12

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
I would like to but cant get my head around it.

Its a beautiful day here again, and I have outside work to do, so I probably won't get much time on the computer... but I'll post a step-by-step tutorial in english sometime over the next few days. I may not have all the bugs worked out yet, but at least I can show how to recreate what worked
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Home ? Tips & Tricks ? Multimesh animation