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Home ? How Do I ...? ? problem with my wall

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23/03/2017 00:12:13

Posts: 42
Hello guys,

When I put my wall next to my tower, I have a gap on the ground. When I put him on the ground, he's also shaking a little bit. When I put him as "floats in the air", then he comes straid on the floor.
He's designed in blender, and I am sure that hes flat on the ground. I also set my origin to the wall. The tower is the same way created, with that I have no problem.

It's also not possible to place the wall against the tower, there is always an open space, even when I let him "float in the air", the gap remains.

Any idea?

edited by Ammostro on 23/03/2017
23/03/2017 02:49:31

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113
Ammostro wrote:
Hello guys,

When I put my wall next to my tower, I have a gap on the ground. When I put him on the ground, he's also shaking a little bit. When I put him as "floats in the air", then he comes straid on the floor.
He's designed in blender, and I am sure that hes flat on the ground. I also set my origin to the wall. The tower is the same way created, with that I have no problem.

It's also not possible to place the wall against the tower, there is always an open space, even when I let him "float in the air", the gap remains.

Any idea?

edited by Ammostro on 23/03/2017

First issue is a bad centered object.To solve center the mesh in XYZ axis,align object base close to x and y axis, go to object menu, snap cursor to center, then transform, select origin to cursor.Your object Will be perfectly balanced.
Second issue is due to collision box created by muvizu import.To solve create a cube, put It in then middle of your object, make it smaller than object and rename it to UCX_ + object name. Snap cursor to center, select both object and Ucx... named collision cube, goto object,transform,origin to cursor. At This point you have correctly centered objects. NOW you can export it selecting the two objects.
edited by Rodrisilva on 23/03/2017
23/03/2017 08:10:42

Posts: 42
Thx man, problem solverd.
23/03/2017 09:57:11

Posts: 42
And does anyone know a solution for my next problem?

I created a great wall in blender, muvizu imported it with no problem. Now I deleted some face from that wall, to make a small wall. When I import it to muvizu, I see the wall, I can't select him, can't scale or place him. I can select him with the "scene window", but I'm not allowed to scale or move it.

Thx for the solution
23/03/2017 10:20:55

RodrisilvaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 113
Ammostro wrote:
And does anyone know a solution for my next problem?

I created a great wall in blender, muvizu imported it with no problem. Now I deleted some face from that wall, to make a small wall. When I import it to muvizu, I see the wall, I can't select him, can't scale or place him. I can select him with the "scene window", but I'm not allowed to scale or move it.

Thx for the solution

That usually happens due to geometry issues. If you used more than one material or uv-texture in different meshes and you joined them after. If you joined two meshes, attrib same uv map to both. Same material too. Better never join in blender. Keep meshes independent, select all and export. Muvizu will join them for you.
I'm assuming we are talking about Ase format.
edited by Rodrisilva on 23/03/2017
23/03/2017 10:29:28

Posts: 42

I have copied the wall to a new blender file. Deleted all materials and textures and then reassigned the material and texture. That works.

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Home ? How Do I ...? ? problem with my wall