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03/12/2010 16:53:30

Posts: 70
(I'm moving this here and giving this one its own topic.)

I was just toying with moving an object in .14b last night, and it seems the object movement bug still persists.

The bug where if you delete the first animation in a string of several animations all the following animations will be deleted, still seems to be there. Anyone else experience this, or does it work for you? Please confirm one way or the other.

I assumed this was addressed in the latest release (29th). If it was addressed, my Muvizu updated through the software over the internet, would a clean install get the fix in?
03/12/2010 17:13:34

NeilExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 396
It seems there's been a misunderstanding. The behaviour you're seeing is correct, and not a bug. We discussed it in this thread...

In response to Dreeko's question about it, I said...

Neil wrote:
Speaking to CrazyDave, it seems the old behaviour (that you liked) was a bug, and the new behaviour (that you dislike) is correct. Ummm... I don't really know what else to... ooh look, a bee!

Jamie summed it up in a later comment:

Jamie wrote:
This type of movement, where the system basically assumes the correct movement path to go between 2 blocks is bad practice and can lead to unpredictable results. There may be a more elegant solution to this situation, but that will be some time away, at least until the Unreal engine has been updated.

The behaviour that you're expecting is currently not possible, but will hopefully be addressed in a later release, probably if/when we do a waypoint movement system.
04/12/2010 03:08:13

Posts: 70
Ah I see.

I stopped following that thread after you said "the bug that Dreeko is experiencing with the timeline as I promised him in-person that it would be fixed for the next release." I assumed you meant that you were about to prevent all events being stripped with the fixed release (.14b) on the 29th, since the deletion of all events was what was in the .13b release. I should have kept up with that thread.

I understand you wanting to avoid bad practice. However, I have to join Dreeko and others then, it's too bad that the "bug" is no longer in favor.

Can you tell me what you mean by a way finder? I think I know, but I bet there is more than one way to do it. Honestly, the best thing is to have a type of Graph Editor available to users. If that's what you mean by a way finder, then I'm all for it.

By the way when you delete a keyframe from the Graph Editor in Maya or a similar program, Maya interpolates between the keyframe previous to the deleted keyframe and the keyframe following the deleted keyframe. So I can't say I agree with the statement "the system basically assumes the correct movement path to go between 2 blocks is bad practice."

~ inlimbo
edited by inlimbo on 04/12/2010
06/12/2010 11:15:39

NeilExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 396
We really haven't designed it or even committed to it yet, so anything I say here is purely speculative, but by waypoints I mean something like a system of drawing a movement path by placing markers on the ground and instructing the character to walk to them over a defined period of time. The markers can then be moved and edited.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Delete one block, All are gone.