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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Set Building - Rotate Objects

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23/07/2011 06:41:33

Posts: 122
I know if I hold RMB and drag, the object will rotate left and right. But is there any way to rotate in any other direction? And is there a constrain hotjey to constrain the rotation to a single axiz, or to a certain angle or rotation?
23/07/2011 07:29:33

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Wizaerd - you need to remove the "keep upright" check box and then it will rotate in 3 dimensions.

It is quite an art once you try this though - I still struggle with it, but you will get the object where you want with enough fiddling about.

I would also check the "floats in the air" checkbox, otherwise it will obey the forces of gravity and settle to a stable angle once you put it down.
edited by ukBerty on 23/07/2011
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Set Building - Rotate Objects