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Home ? Tech Help ? Textures for imported objects

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18/09/2011 11:52:05

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225
When importing from e.g. SketchUp we are presented, in the object's properties, with a number of colours to choose. Sometimes though the original had textures not colours. Is this influenced by the selected import options or would it make sense to have a texture option for each of the colours? Or is this something we loose due to the import process (export ASE <-SketchUp, import ASE -> Muvizu)?
18/09/2011 12:08:09

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
There may be other things but having the "Use ID textures" import option unset helps .
edited by toonarama on 18/09/2011
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Home ? Tech Help ? Textures for imported objects