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23/05/2013 21:44:30

Posts: 164
More company grew, more it's a mess, a kind of complementarity between the Peter Principle, and Murphy's Law, make a video for fun or seek notoriety?
Personally, I do not understand the systems of I like or do not like, and the system of "fans" as we are subject. (And I refuse to understand)
Those who were seeing a video have seen through the subscription system you tube, it is easier than ask a friend to connect to Muvizu to watch.
the video Muvizu have a very limited life expectancy, we can see from the statistics Google analytic, two days or one week. So 8 or 14 videos will not change anything for hits cookies
@ +
24/05/2013 10:01:19

IanSExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 139
Thanks for the feedback guys, your comments are well received and noted
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