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Home ? Feedback ? Suggestions to increase Muvizu 3d

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30/05/2013 18:30:58

Posts: 4
Everyone would like to experience more character and objects in Muvizu 3d .Im a newbie and I think that if we the muvizuer's can make similar character based on video games will increase the potencial in this website .Example i would like to make the character Ghost from Call of Duty but we dont got objects like weapons , more equipments , more cars options ...or maybe more choices in dress kits for characters .In video galleries make a section only for tutorials and sections like a superheroes sections or military section ..... it will increase the chance for more creativity in which the muvizuer's likes.
30/05/2013 23:31:04

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
That's true, if the character would be able to pick any item we want, it could be SO MUCH more cool to do videos !
31/05/2013 18:28:19

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Don't worry guys, the Muvizu team are working on both of these things. (They may take some time though)
31/05/2013 19:56:01

Posts: 56
They may take some time? They've already taken forever to address holding props even after they semi did it with giving musical instruments for the characters to hold. I wouldn't hold out too much for the props thing.

They seem to have a resistence to the idea for some reason or other (I say or other, because they shuffle through various reasons from time to time). In the end though, if they have the ability to do musical instruments, at the very least they should do the same for a few basic props (but this is usually where they say, "but we want to do it the right way." To which, I usually say, "Well, what was the exception with musical instruments?...that wasn't done the right way." To which they say, "Sometimes we have to evaluate which features will be more popular and beneficial to the business of the product." To which I say, "Glad to see Jay Z and Adele relying on Muvizu for their videos.")
31/05/2013 20:18:58

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I have to agree, but there are only a few people on the team.
31/05/2013 20:27:51

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
at this time i dont want to see them add a single new feature until they fix the ui issue in muvizu play.

There is no point to it and since their team is tiny and they had to reposition themselves financially (see news on merger rebranding of digimania) I want to see them devote resources to fixing the present issues which already exist instead of them adding more features. My two cents however I will refer you to their news section dwino you need to catch up. I dont consider it constructive to breeze into a forum every couple of months to post the same request over again especially since its been answered and they have actually released a bunch of info onto their new direction.

Do I want hand help props? absolutely but considering the larger picture and the fact that they need to fix present issues as a result of a launch from beta and a rebranding of their entire business I think the props can wait.

waits for the day when I can move forward and use their official release product Big Grin
31/05/2013 20:35:18

Posts: 4
Idea - Way to promote Muvizu 3D in a better way is making a video telling everyone that Muvizu is in the social medias and you can use it to express . It will expand to get more members and team to join forces
02/06/2013 23:54:06

Posts: 56
I agree that I come on here every few months, and I don't always know all the details of the current landscape. However, I do so because my bottom line requirement for me using Muvizu is for it to have props to use. (By the way there is nothing under the search terms "merger rebranding of digimania," except your post. As far as I know Digimania has always been the parent company of Muvizu. Are you saying someone new owns Digimania? Also, I read the news regarding Muvizu Play months ago, so I'm familiar with that. Please let me know of a specific passage if there's anything different from that.) Seeing as I currently don't use Muvizu, I have not tried the new interface. So you're right in the sense that you would want them to fix the UI if it is preventing you from basic use. I can't comment on that. However, I have no problem being a squeaky wheel and mentioning that the prop issue is the biggest issue they've got. In my opinion it is. Just about every new user eventually asks about it. It's natural to want to use props.

I've seen some of your videos, and you do a great job of work arounds for props, but you still use them. You need them, and so does everyone in just about every story. You would be so happy and relieved to have a few basic ones, like an actual phone that would move with the character. The microphone that already exists and it helped your production value.

I think Muvizu is a great product, but their odd refusal to give us a pencil, a phone, a mug, a gun, a book, and a ball to hold are just beyond me. Again, the existence of musical instruments is proof it can be done.
03/06/2013 00:00:50

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
feel free to be a squeeky wheel unfortunately when that is all you post about its something else. As for the digimania stuff I think its better to be an informed squeeky wheel. They have had a a couple of live broad casts and some mergers have taken place and they have a new ceo and and and. I am not going to do your research for you I will leave that to you.

Not gonna say anymore .....

As an aside - just so your aware I use iclone as well for anything that is commercial but I enjoy muvizu and get tired of the same platform for everything. I have also been rather squeeky as of late. Still I realize that after hearing them speak and knowing their present position they have other issues as well. I personally think that hand held props should have been added long ago but I also think they should completely open their back end (muviclone I guess is what I call it..) However I have gotten the distinct impression as a result to reading and dealing with them that they are well.. rather over worked. At the moment with the present design hand held props would be a terrible idea as it would make their already clunky ui even worse. and since i am still using a beta release I have come to the realization that they need to solve other issues before they can further accessorise this software. Do I know what they are doing behind the scenes? nope not exactly but I have a pretty good idea. I can only hope that they will make the right decisions in the end for their product. Meanwhile they are aware of the lack of hand held props and I dont think posting about it on this forum is going to really further the plight of something they know they have to add. We can only hope they do it one day.. meanwhile I wait .. and keep giving my money to reallusion
edited by urbanlamb on 03/06/2013
03/06/2013 10:11:44

Posts: 157
I know some people seem to get the impression that every time one of our users requests a feature that everyone wants (like prop holding or a Mac version) that everyone in the office gathers 'round a PC to read the post and laugh at it, but I assure you this is not the case. We don't make this app for us, we make it for YOU. If all of YOU are requesting something, then of course we want to put it in there and make you happy. Please be aware that absolutely EVERYTHING mentioned in this thread is being worked on in some capacity, but it's not an instant process. We're very gradually chipping away at it. We hope that one day Muvizu:Play will have ALL the features you could EVER want, and we really are working towards that reality. But it's a painfully slow process - painful for you and for us. If anyone wants to come down the office and try to add any of these features in an evening then feel free!* Until then, trust that we're doing our best to give YOU what YOU want.

*Not a real offer.
03/06/2013 12:09:31

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
Can i have an umbrella for my characters to hold please (open and closed) and a sword and a ...........
edited by fazz68 on 03/06/2013
03/06/2013 12:56:56

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
Swords and guns, that could be PERFECT !
03/06/2013 15:01:35

Posts: 157
Doesn't anyone else really want a system implemented that will allow characters to hug and hand each other teddybears instead of crying out all the time for characters who can hold swords and guns...? Just me, then? Right, okay, cool.
03/06/2013 17:32:04

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I want all the systems all of them including the teddybear system!
03/06/2013 19:16:10

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I could not find a video for this clip, so I got the bit of the script I wanted to show you:

The Simpsons:

When one of the Chinese agents hold a teddy bear in front of Bart in revenge for ripping them off, Bart questions the use of a teddy bear as a weapon. The agent responds that it was made in China and rips off its head to reveal a spike. The other agents take out similar objects.
03/06/2013 22:01:05

(Account inactive)
Posts: 133
It could be a good idea (teddybears system), but I suppose it's long to create
04/06/2013 09:04:48

Posts: 56
Thank you Lev_Dynamite, what a thoughtful response. I get it that you are trying and that Muvizu has a small staff. It's just frustrating sometimes simply because Musical Instruments have been in the program for years now. I fully know that I'm a broken record about musical instruments, but it's true that they've been there forever and it's possibly true that some basic props should have accompanied them. Yes that wouldn't solve picking them up and putting them down (although picking up and putting down could be "stock animations" with no customization at all.), but I'm okay with permanently held props. That's infinitely easier to work around than not holding props at all.

By the way, some wrist accessories can be scaled and repositioned to sort of look like a mug, etc.
18/11/2014 18:26:42

Posts: 6
Dwarf wrote:
Swords and guns, that could be PERFECT !

- swords and sword fights

- medieval objects

That would be just insanely perfect,
and all the rest ( to pick up and hug ) may come later .
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Home ? Feedback ? Suggestions to increase Muvizu 3d