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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Chains around Dalek

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07/04/2014 15:03:07

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Hi guys,
I've started making a scene from the Doctor Who episode 'Dalek' and have come across a problem. Does anyone know a way that I could get the effect of chains across this Dalek like in the image below that would work from a few different camera angles?

07/04/2014 17:49:10

Posts: 66
Ah! Trickery, my department...

Depends on the angles of course! One way would be to use Lamb's ob_windowpane1.ase from her windows-with_transparency file and replace it with transparent chains, lay the panel at 45 degrees (the low collision should allow it) over the object. I didn't have a Dalek handy, there's never one around when you want one! So I used a cylinder instead.

I did a very quick mock up. As you can see from a 180 degree pan, there are a number of angles you can shoot from. Using four single chains and adjusting the horizontal angles for each should work better I would think, imagine picture 5 which is unworkable, with the angles twisted!

07/04/2014 18:42:19

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Thanks Rebel, I'll post back here with the result.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Chains around Dalek