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23/10/2014 21:17:11

Posts: 13
hello all...

It's been a long time.... I was here in the beginning when it all started..

I remember when muvizu was the new kid on the block.. and the prospect of what muvizu was going to be capable of was nothing short of exciting!

Admittedly, I lost touch when all the new greatest updates went to paid products... and frankly, at least in my opinion there wasn't enough incentive: prizes, competitions, or a large centralized area for everyone to share there models "just sets?"etc....

Recently, i returned once again seen the dreamworks comp, and though oh, that might be fun, after looking online for idea's, I realized dreamworks wasn't which was dissappointing, but no problem. So i choose, to recreate and the intro to the movie "The curse of the were-rabbit". Which i was a fair way into, created all the sets and custom objects etc.... I realized just how much work it was going to be and decided, Why? it's just not worth it..... I don't even want those dvd's. Pixar set Maybe, but honestly not even then. The work involved for such a comp. and lack holdable objects without spending money, just wasn't worth the possible prize.

but like I said this is just my 2 cents.....
24/10/2014 14:39:20

Posts: 74
You don't do it for the prizes. You don't even do it for the acclaim. You do it because it's fun and to show people you can. That's my two cents. I hope you'll reconsider and do your scene recreation anyway. I'd like to see it. Curse of the Wererabbit's an awesome flick.
07/03/2015 11:56:39

Posts: 1
Interesting elements..!
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