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14/07/2016 23:16:52

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
MrDrWho13 wrote:
Wow Ziggy I never noticed the difference between the prop arm and real arm

Yer not supposda
14/07/2016 23:24:22

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
a few observations about my own entry:

I started thinking about this idea way before I even knew about Muvizu. At first, all the thoughts pertained to creating an original song that would work as a takeoff on the book 50 SHADES OF GREY (which had just been released).

Even at that point, I intuitively knew that the song needed to be animated in order to achieve its maximum impact. Subsequently I started buying and trying a variety of different animation solutions, but got bogged down in one learning curve after another. As soon as I learned about Muvizu and realized I could understand it and develop animations fairly quickly with it (weeks instead of months) I knew I had the tool that would finally make this project possible. I'm very happy with Muvizu and the other creative tools I use with it.

The cats hanging from his head, arms, legs and back would not have been practical without the OBJ models that IKEs provided and Ziggy refined. The ability to bring a right-sized character into my modelling environment and then model a cat around the exact geometry it will mate with in a story is just PRICELESS! It's amazing we got it for free.. thanks again to IKES and ZIGGY for making such a complete set of models available to the people making models and attachments for Muvizu.

I know the blob-based cats don't walk like real cats, but I like the stylized goofiness they bring to the equation. The ability to add animals to my stories really pleases me, and the long range planning for this story s what led me to create the blobcats in the first place.

Creative endeavors like this require a lot of different skills. You already know how many different learning curves you've had to claw thru in order to do what you do in Muvizu.

There is no doubt that sharing some of the workload with professionals results in a far superior product. A script written and recorded by a pro (like the Burroughs dialog in Ziggy's entry, or the Firesign Theater shows) automatically leverages the pro's skillset to elevate the whole project. Likewise, using the original Star Wars soundtrack in a video automatically inspires the same anticipation as the original movie.

Anybody who is serious about film making at any level would be nuts not to use professionally created props, music, scripts, voice acting etc. to whatever extent possible in accordance with the law.

But for my purposes, the music is the noun and the video is just the adjective that modifies it. Given those creative guidelines, I think it's fair to conclude that I will never hold a candle to any of you as an animator. And I'm OK with that. As long as I'm learning new stuff and having fun while I do it, I'm a happy man.

Great and fun contest... kudos to everyone who participated!
14/07/2016 23:34:38

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282
Hey Pat,

Thanks for all your kind words. I wish I wrote the story myself, but as I mentioned in the credits at the end, the sketch was made by Dave Allen. You can see the original on youtube:

I will reply to some of your questions.

The set is mostly build out of flat 2d backdrops with textures, as well as the roads and trees and indeed did I use some for the cars and scooters too. There are not so many cars available for muvizu. I have tried to import existing car models, but most come in all distorted or not at all.

With the actions you have to be very creative sometimes with combining parts of actions. The part where he tries to pick up the money I filmed only his hand and arm of an action and inserted and animated it in Hitfilm.

The car owner action for getting his keys out is the mobile phone action.

If you watch the original sketch you understand why I did things as I did.

Thanks again and good luck with the next competition, if there will be more...
14/07/2016 23:42:05

Posts: 30
Hi Pat
Yes, It's My voice alright! The backing track was a Karaoke I got From the Net. Thanks for your kind words.
14/07/2016 23:46:42

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Ikes, I'd never seen that clip... wonderful skit.... But I like yours better, I think you did a better job of capturing the essence of it.

I really like your idea of using backdrops with 2d graphics... that opens a lot of creative territory!!

<steal> IDEA</steal>

edited by PatMarrNC on 14/07/2016
14/07/2016 23:47:44

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
eugenecheese wrote:
Hi Pat
Yes, It's My voice alright! The backing track was a Karaoke I got From the Net. Thanks for your kind words.

wonderful wonderful job! downright amazing in fact!
15/07/2016 00:01:25

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282
PatMarrNC wrote:
Ikes, I'd never seen that clip... wonderful skit.... But I like yours better, I think you did a better job of capturing the essence of it.

Thanks very much! I must say I'm happy with people like you, who take the time and effort to motivate and compliment others. If you or this forum did not exist I think I did a lot less with muvizu than I do now. The last couple of months I'm almost constantly thinking and searching for stories to make an animation off, because it's so much fun!
15/07/2016 00:12:20

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I think enthusiasm is like an echo... the more you proclaim it, the more it comes back to you. I'm glad you're on a creative high, and I hope it continues for a long time!
15/07/2016 00:23:56

Posts: 359
I just got home from work where I have the highly creative but tedious task of creating math tests for our new curriculum. Yes, I get to torture young minds! Actually, I hope the majority do well on the tests.

I have not had a chance to view all the contest entries yet, but I wanted to post before doing that, and then will add more as time allows, and address your "take" on the video, Pat. You spent a lot of time making your comment about my animation, and I really appreciate that. I also appreciate everyone's kind words of support. I feel I won the contest because of all those who took the time to recognize my effort, and that is awesome. So far no one has said keep the day job, but I will.

I will return to comment on all the great entries I am going to watch now.
15/07/2016 02:14:20

Posts: 359
PatMarrNC wrote:
clayster2012 wrote:
Ok winners I just sent you your prizes, check your emails and messages!

let me know if everything goes well
if not then message me

I'd like to surrender my prize to Rocque in appreciation for her diligence and willingness to take risks in this contest!

But don't worry, I'll get all 3 sets in the store. I don't mind supporting the arts. ;-)

(I'll forward the DL link to her)

Thank you Pat, I received the DL link to the prize and it is safely on my computer. I think you are more deserving of the prize since you have been around here a lot longer than I have, and your video was really funny. I loved what you did with the cats, and am not sure at all how you made them, or how you came up with the idea. Your original song must have been inspired by your recent trip to California. I definitely appreciate your generosity.

Clayster please be sure to thank the judges for their outstanding job. Judging can never be an easy task. Thank you for being so enthusiastic throughout the contest.

Ziggy, I had no clue how all those screen shots you were sharing could lead to something so funny in a morbid sort of way. Everyone has said something about your creative process and mastery of lighting, props, and all else, and I agree. It gives me something to strive for knowing that time and imagination are the only limits to using Muvizu.

The Monster Mash will always be a graveyard smash, and Cheesy's interpretation and singing were excellent. I loved the characters, and appreciated all the time to view them during the song. The heads in the jars were a great addition to your set, especially when they could sing, too. You will have to remind us of this animation in October.

The winner is IKES! Flawless animation. I loved the reflection on the walls through the windows in the cafe. I have no idea how you did that but it was amazing. Your timing on everything was great, and the build up of suspense played out well. I loved the designs on the car, too. The coffee was a bit too strong for me, but other than that the realism was there, even for animation. Thanks for entering.

Pat, I won't bore everyone by going into the details of my animation, but you might see the Kristies again. I paid too much for her outfit (just kidding, only a lot of hours to paint it and erase all the mistakes). The whole animation was going to be different and have a different ending, but as I started making it the whole thing shifted over. I am not sure how many of us want that "peaceful day in the park" or at some other spot only to have someone take it away. Think of all the places you go where you end up being that captive audience, and then think of Omega Kristie, or is it Alpha Kristie....I love the hulk.

Hit Film Pro was at perfect timing for the price reduction to help me finish this animation. It is amazing. The smoke was from another creative commons site, and I am not sure if I listed it in the credits. I think I left it out. The 3 minute deadline was difficult.
15/07/2016 02:42:54

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Hit Film Pro was at perfect timing for the price reduction to help me finish this animation. It is amazing.

Eugenecheese didn't list his software at the end... but apparently the rest of us all used HitFilm! I'm guessing we all bought in at the sale price, which puts us all smack dab in the middle of the learning curve at the same time and during a competition!

I'm curious to hear others' take on HitFilm.... I haven't scratched the surface of its capability yet, but I REALLY like it so far. A lot of video editors are sluggish (pet peeve) but HitFilm seems fairly responsive on my computer.

I like the way they've rolled a compositing solution and a 3D modelling scene arranger right into a video editor.

And its ability to keyframe 2d and 3d graphics opens up a whole bunch of new territory
15/07/2016 06:05:22

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Congrats to everyone who entered the competition, and to Ikes for taking the crown - it's always fascinating to see what everyone comes up with.

PatMarrNC wrote:
I'm curious to hear others' take on HitFilm....

I've said it before, but HitFilm has revolutionised my production. Once you get your head round layers it's just the perfect companion to Muvizu. It's the subtle things you can do with it as much as the flashy. I have installed some screen capture software now on my PC and intend to share a few things that I'm using it for in the next couple of months - although this may get overtaken when we start our course in a few weeks.
15/07/2016 06:51:29

Posts: 30
HitFilm ? What is it, and what is it used for ? I just Googled it, and still I don't know !
I didn't say what I used at the end, because I just used Muvizu. I rarely use anything else, unless a 3D object is needed, then I mostly use Sculptris.
This competition is such a good idea, it is great to read all the positive comments from everybody, and especially to read the tips and secrets as to how people managed to get around the limitations of Muvizu.
Would it be possible, from today, that instead of posting our videos to the Gallery, we post them here ?
It's great to belong to a small but caring community !
15/07/2016 08:12:33

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
People already post videos to the"my videos" section on the forum to get feedback and whatnot (I think you should still upload to the gallery though so your videos can be showcased your profile).

Hitfilm a powerful video editor with a load of particle effects and other professional grade features.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 15/07/2016
15/07/2016 10:25:50

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 301
Congratulations to everyone Winners or not. I enjoyed them all, such a lot of dedicated work.
Just sorry i couldn't join you due to my badly organised time management and laziness.
hopefully next time.
16/07/2016 00:33:16

Posts: 359
drewi wrote:
Congratulations to everyone Winners or not. I enjoyed them all, such a lot of dedicated work.
Just sorry i couldn't join you due to my badly organised time management and laziness.
hopefully next time.

We look forward to seeing you in the next one Drewi. It does take some dedication to get an entry in when there is a time limit. Start on a few ideas now and then maybe something you are doing will be appropriate for a future contest and you will be motivated to finish it.
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Make Me Laugh ( Comedy Competition)