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Home ? How Do I ...? ? adding voices

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24/11/2016 16:29:40

Posts: 10
I want to know how to add voices to muvizu like importing them from audacity, right now I have them saved in Wav format and I can convert them in another formart with any audio converter if need be.

24/11/2016 17:45:09

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Wave format is fine, all you have to do is got to the tool bar at the top, click on prepare then go to audio, in the audio prepare box click new, a new audio track will be added to the list, highlight it then click edit and another audio box will appear, in that box click import and import your audio file from wherever you have it saved, once it imported you can play it back and if it sounds ok then click ok, after that select your character and go back to prepare again and select prepare dialogue, in the character tab select the character that you want to speak and then in the Lipsync to tab select the audio you imported and then switch to direct, that should place the audio in the timeline for that character just move the clip to the spot of the timeline to when the character is to speak, hope that helps!
24/11/2016 19:32:17

Posts: 74
One trick I like to use is to record all the lines for a scene, then edit them together into one long audio clip before importing. Then, when you're ready to record the scene, all you have to do is have the characters talk and shush at the appropriate times. Easy peasy.
24/11/2016 20:11:40

Posts: 10
Thanks a bunch I added some the dialogue I need into my first project, I have the lines split into
(movie name) Line 1
(movie name) Line 2

This makes it easier to have them bite size pieces.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? adding voices