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Home ? General Discussion ? 27/3/17 today only

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27/03/2017 11:27:14

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Giveaway of the day-free today a program that i think you all should get .believe me.
Filter forge 5 pro.Get this prog now...dooid it doo ut......errm du yt!.
it will allow you to download thousands of textures all of which are editable and the prog is both standalone and can be a plug in for photoshop.Cool
27/03/2017 16:45:32

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
drewi wrote:
Giveaway of the day-free today a program that i think you all should get .believe me.
Filter forge 5 pro.Get this prog now...dooid it doo ut......errm du yt!.
it will allow you to download thousands of textures all of which are editable and the prog is both standalone and can be a plug in for photoshop.Cool
27/03/2017 16:56:10

Posts: 25
Thank you!
27/03/2017 18:05:46

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
it might be worth mentioning to anybody who isn't already familiar with the GIVE AWAY OF THE DAY free licenses... any offer they make is only good that day... the product must be downloaded, installed and activated all on the same day it was offered.

It took me a while to figure that out, and when I tried to activate my downloads the next day... well... you can guess what happened. ;-(

edited by PatMarrNC on 27/03/2017
27/03/2017 20:26:06

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Oops!! well done BigWally.. forgot to put the link up.Yeah good point Pat. 'Give Away of the day' Progs have to be installed and registered on the day..
Also for those not familiar with Filter Frge .. it's installed initially with a number of given textures. that's only the start, you can download thousands more for free from within the prog.
28/03/2017 01:31:43

Posts: 24
Nice find drewi. This program looks like it's going to be very useful!
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Home ? General Discussion ? 27/3/17 today only