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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I find costumes

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10/09/2013 16:27:37

Posts: 1
Hi, I'm kind of new
I downloaded the Costume Content Pack, but when I go to edit a character I can't find any of the clothes the only thing i'm able to use is the hair.
Where did it go? dunno
10/09/2013 17:16:21

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975

Edit the character and go to the decals tab. Choose the custom texture and go down to costumes.

Remember that the costumes are body shape specific, so if you are using the "Fat Man" body shape then only the Fat Man costumes will work properly.

Anything else just shout.....
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I find costumes