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Home ? Your Videos ? Robot Child Music Clip

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21/10/2014 05:05:52

Posts: 4
Hi All,

I made this a while back for a track off my band's album. It's sort of been sitting hidden for a while but I think some of you might like what I've done. Please check it out. I'd love some feedback.


22/10/2014 08:10:56

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
i like it the robots flying through the solar system was pretty good. was that a 2001 a space odyssey reference when they got to jupiter?
22/10/2014 10:15:20

Posts: 4
Yeah, you got me,

seemed a good way to illustrate that the alien robot was trying to educate the human that there was something bigger than him out there. A bit of Pop Culture is always fun.

Cheers and thanks for watching!!
22/10/2014 15:36:33

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
There's a lot going on, for sure, but I didn't realise that was supposed to be a human - why no eyes? Or clothes? Odd choice, is all I'm saying. Difficult to empathise with something with no eyes. Otherwise, it's quite engaging
22/10/2014 23:13:16

Posts: 4
Fair point about the eyes, you're not the only person to ask me about that.

The song is more or less about what would happen if we were actually visited by aliens and how we would proceed to explain what we've been doing to the planet. So, the robot represents a generic alien and the other guy represents mankind in general.

I guess he's kinda like my Muvizu version of a stick man or the symbol for the men's toilet or whatever. When I was designing it I kept feeling that the more features I gave it the more it looked like an individual and the less it represented mankind. The having no eyes and no ears thing also somehow seemed to tie in with the "Blissfully Unaware" hook in that he's senseless.

I've pretty much characterised a side of humanity into a dumb guy who's only interested in material stuff like his fancy watch which he even checks as he's being taken through a portal into another dimension.

It's true there is a lot going on. Probably too much I realise in retrospect.

Really glad you liked it though and thanks for watching!
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Home ? Your Videos ? Robot Child Music Clip