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Home ? Your Videos ? Finger Pistols are Dangerous:episode 3 (Part 1)

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18/03/2019 13:09:41

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Rising Sun and Marshall Leroy are called to Rising Sun Home Village to stop Evil Bull's Curse from taking over the Village, but turns into a rescue mission to save Cheif Pow Wow!

18/03/2019 19:20:54

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Why have you disconnected your digifactor forum Clayster?
18/03/2019 22:41:28

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
drewi wrote:
Why have you disconnected your digifactor forum Clayster?

The Card I used to make payments kept getting errors during a transaction, which made it difficult to pay bills, something was wrong with the chip, I have another card on the way so it won't be long and I'll have it back up and running, understand that this is the only account that I like to use for internet purchases!
edited by clayster2012 on 2019/3/18
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Home ? Your Videos ? Finger Pistols are Dangerous:episode 3 (Part 1)