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12/06/2015 21:45:29

Posts: 66
drewi wrote:
Sent you both some nuts.

Is it Christmas already!!! Nice. I made some tote boxes but I am having trouble with collision, may send you the files tomorrow drewi.
13/06/2015 06:40:14

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Rebel - Collision, my favourite subject.....

Do you just want to get rid of it ? If you're using .ASE files I have a script that does this.

13/06/2015 12:49:33

Posts: 66
Thanks Berty but I already did that and then had to create some invisible plates inside the box to hold the contents in place!

I just want a box that sits there full of nuts, instead I get ones that are seemingly filled with Mexican jumping beans that have a life of their own!


13/06/2015 14:31:39

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
oh dear are my nuts the problem?
i only know how to make fbx objects i have never had any luck with ase.
13/06/2015 21:59:14

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
yes fbx collision sucks huge monkey balls. not easy to remove and get to work in muvizu without flying all around the place.

@drewi what are you making your fbx models with? and what other file formats can it export models as?
edited by fazz68 on 13/06/2015
13/06/2015 22:45:41

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Hi fazz
I initially model them using anim8or, export as a wavefront object .obj file then into blender, then export as an .fbx
have had issues occasionally with jumping but not every time or object i create. Didnt realise it was the .fbx format that was causing the problem.
edited by drewi on 14/06/2015
14/06/2015 10:17:51

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
if you are removing the collision it probably is.. without seeing one of the nut models in action (had to word that carefully lol ) its hard for me to see what the problem is. it might just be fixed by moving the origin point of the nut, ie where it sits on the ground.
14/06/2015 11:54:45

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
i have posted them to assets but they are waiting approval.
but posted them for speed to berty and rebel by the dropbox below.
be good if you could give them the once over in respect of collision problems.
14/06/2015 13:26:41

Posts: 66
Guys, guys, guys... sorry, no, it's not the nuts that are the problem, I guess I wasn't clear enough, it's my tote boxes, the boxes sometimes jump around, not the nuts. read my post above.
14/06/2015 13:30:24

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Untick "keep upright" - this should stop the jumping.
14/06/2015 13:37:58

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
very cool selection of nuts there very nice.

well they still have their collision and they are all laying where i dropped them with all the physics boxes unticked. i cant see any problem with them jumping about. so id say your nuts are fine.

so sorry but whatever is making them jump about in rebels set i dunno. they are not reacting with anything i can see. things with collision only react with each other when trying to occupy the same space. as the nuts have their collision they cant do that. unless you put them side by side and try to scale one up. then all it will do is push the other object away.

nuts dropped on the ground and nuts on a ground plane with invisible backdrops making a box to keep them in place.

lol just read rebels new post....
edited by fazz68 on 14/06/2015
14/06/2015 17:31:17

Posts: 66
I guess my modelling career is over before it even really started!!! LOL. It's just not working for me. The storage unit I made within Muvizu is fine and I can make the boxes (made in SketchUp) stay in position by either grouping them or floating them individually as in the top picture below.

That's fine for background use but at some point the individual boxes will need to be used (closed and open) and when I unchecked float... Well, you can see by the bottom images what happens.

Maybe one of you could do the boxes from scratch in FBX

I have uploaded the files to Dropbox:-

It contains the set:


The images for the folding tote:

The SketchUp Fold-A-Tote


And the SketchUp Tote box:


Dimensions of the boxes are 15.5" High x 16.5" Wide x 20” Deep.

Earl's like... WTH Just Happened!!!

14/06/2015 19:30:47

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
@rebel ok i think i see your problem of jumpimg boxes. your sketchup models are not on the origin point. where the red blue and green lines inersect, that is the origin point and the center of the base of anything needs to be on that point when you export it. just put a cross on the bottom of the boxes and highlight the whole box. click the move tool to the center of the cross and move the box to the origin point. it will turn yellow when you hit the right spot. then export. that should sort out the jumping.
14/06/2015 21:07:50

Posts: 66
Thanks Fazz, It doesn't seem to make any difference.
14/06/2015 21:43:16

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763

try these ones, i haven't removed any collision but can if you want me to
15/06/2015 02:29:09

Posts: 66
Thanks Fazz but they are the same, I now think it's my racking but that was made with no collision!
15/06/2015 02:50:33

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
some sort of stabilitymaybe?
needs a top thoughWhaaaaa?
15/06/2015 05:38:55

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
My rules with collision and Muvizu....

  • Use ASE for all objects (except for objects with mixes transparent and opaque sections)
  • Use the Ziggy matchbox collision mesh when exporting to get rid of as much collision as you can
  • If you need to put two objects in the same same place and the matchbox collision boxes interfere with each other then move one of the objects off the centre axis and export again. This will move the collision box off centre and your two objects will overlap as you wish
  • Use invisible ground planes for the few instances where you want characters standing or sitting on things.

Honestly, I have tried all ways round and these are the best rules.

You may want models to work as they should and have integrity, but collision is not your friend within Muvizu.
15/06/2015 13:48:52

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
ukBerty wrote:
Honestly, I have tried all ways round and these are the best rules.

You may want models to work as they should and have integrity, but collision is not your friend within Muvizu.

Good Posting

This should be posted somewhere in huge, bold letters. They are indeed the best rules and save TONS of time and frustration!
15/06/2015 15:27:44

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
i believe we have everything we basically need to make Bernies video now contained within this set.
main scenes.

Earl with a bunch of unsorted nuts, sad and confused......Earl with a box ostensibly sorting the nuts with a tote out of the rack.......and then Earl standing infront of a tidy rack with all nuts tidied away, cheerful.
squirrel foot needs doing and maybe put the storage warehouse label directly onto his shirt on his main uv map.
The script is needed to construct a story board and then see where the short falls are and consider how we may get around them.

i could be wrong though..???
thanks for everyones suggestions and help....struggling to grasp finer info re collisions,ase and dont know what ziggys matchbox collision thing is.
close to nervous breakdown here...going for a lie down.

edited by drewi on 15/06/2015
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