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15/06/2015 16:48:01

Posts: 66
drewi wrote:
i believe we have everything we basically need to make Bernies video now contained within this set.

Not yet, we don't drewi. Sorry... (But we are closer, I'll cover more on this later).

@everyone I haven't solved the problem but I do have a workaround solution although I don't really understand exactly why it works.

I remade bars for the frame again in SketchUp, making sure that the origin point was centred and removed the collision but to no avail, the boxes still jumped around.

Time to analyze the problem. They didn't jump around until they were placed into the racking. In order to make seamless joins, I made the vertical and the left to right horizontal tubes and removed the collision. For the centre support beam I used the Muvizu Cylinder (short) and that was causing the problems, the support area was too small, so I placed an invisible ground plane under the boxes and the tote boxes now slide in and out without a problem.

Note the right hand single box in the top picture below, on it's own it has no problems sliding in and out. Yet when I move the single front box on the floor only a short way, this causes the right hand box to fall off it's perch. That's the part that I don't understand, I would have thought that the distance was too great too cause such an effect!

Anyway, frame and boxes now work fine, thanks to everyone for all your help, tips and suggestions.

@drewi That fbx tote box is great, much better then the ase, can we have a lid now please! I'll work on the open Fold-A-Tote box and lid in SketchUp and then send you the image files, then maybe you could produce this in fbx too!

15/06/2015 19:23:32

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
drewi wrote:

thanks for everyones suggestions and help....struggling to grasp finer info re collisions,ase and dont know what ziggys matchbox collision thing is.

Here's a post I made from a few years ago. You really should try this. We have all been through the pain and without these techniques I would have given up with Muvizu long ago.

Here it is (sorry it's a bit technical)

I always add the ziggymesh.ase to all models before I import them to remove collision - this really assists with scene building.

I have automated this by doing the following :-

Create a text file : c:\windows\addmesh.bat (depending on you OS you may need to edit as administrator)
Put the following lines in it :-

for %%c in (.\*.ase) DO copy "%%c" nocollision
for %%d in (.\nocollision\*.ase) DO type "c:\ut3\ZiggyMesh.ase" >> "%%d"

Download the ZiggyMesh.ase from here -
Rename the ZMB(collision model).ase to ZiggyMesh.ase and stick it in c:\ut3

Every folder that I have models in I create a folder underneath it called NoCollision
I then start a DOS prompt and change directory to the folder with my models in.
As I add models or edit and export them again I just keep running AddMesh from my DOS window (Up arrow to repeat last command).

This ensures that all my .ase files in the nocollision folder are up to date and have the collision removed. I then use these to import into Muvizu.
15/06/2015 23:53:58

Posts: 25
Sorry for the delayed response, I have been travelling. I am blown away by the effort on this, you guys are awesome. You have totally taken this to a place where I could have never gone. I have to be honest, I am a very new to Muvizu so it is hard for me to collaborate. I had this idea as a mascot for our product for years. I will make my adjustments to the script and supply it and have to stand aside and watch you guys fly. I am obviously in the company of some very capable people. I love the plastic tote as well as the fold-a-totes because our systems do hold both. I see the detail and difference in the compact model verses 12 Tote original! In regard to the squirrels feet if there is a lot of effort there we can give him the sneakers back. Earl is already becoming a star and he hasn't even been in a movie yet. Please see attached a more current logo design.
Much appreciation!!!
16/06/2015 01:13:07

Posts: 66
Welcome back Bernie. Haven't had the chance to tweak Earl as we were seeing to the tote box problem. I do have some more improvements planned for him.

The next major problem I see is the nuts, we will need a lot of nuts but as drewi knows, too many objects can cause problems so I have some smoke and mirrors in the works.

After that I can then work on the set itself as all we have so far are some of the props, I do have ideas for how the set should look and I will run them past you.
16/06/2015 04:48:20

Posts: 25
Just sent a detailed reply, hope it went through.
16/06/2015 04:51:12

Posts: 25
16/06/2015 05:02:42

Posts: 25
Looks like my message took too long to compose, try again.
1. Earl goes back first to when it was just nuts. When he goes back he can look rough, no cool hat, no necklace, couple of sprigs of hair sticking up, no logo on shirt dirty and stained, couple bottles of Squirrelweiser laying around?
2. Then he moves ahead to when he has totes but they are all stacked poorly, tipping over, can even crash? He has to deal with the bottom tote.
3. When he goes back the voice can have some re-verb for a distant effect?
4. Then he finishes up back in his organized space, happy as a clam.
16/06/2015 21:17:39

Posts: 66
The script is simple enough and the scenario is short and sweet, I figure it at just under 2 minutes but we can pad that out slightly.

I'll make a story board. I thought the first 5 sentences could be delivered by Earl in close up and when he says "Here's the story..." we show the different kinds of nuts, maybe small piles. Then we flash back to nuts everywhere!

Next, a short clip of him passing the garage with the totes in. Then his purchasing the totes at the counter of the Squirrel Mart maybe. After that, we see him in his pad with all the storage totes stacked up, note the desk amongst the stacks because that will have the computer on it that we will see him using next to surf the web and arrive at to make his order.

We then go to present day with Earl showing off his new units.

If you actually have a warehouse or a showroom then we could show Earl at work, if not then we could create a virtual one where he delivers the last line "Check us out at Bin".
17/06/2015 13:23:38

Posts: 25
This sequence sounds perfect. I completely agree on the garage scene. The more I think about Earl's story, the more directions I see can be taken with this. I think 2 minutes is probably just enough, your thoughts? If for any reason we feel it needs to be stretched to make it a better story I have another small point that could be made.
Yes we do have a warehouse but not a showroom. I will take a few still shots of our warehouse to see if the space looks appropriate.
All is appreciated!
18/06/2015 18:18:54

Posts: 66
No, two minutes is ideal, I meant pad it out slightly with a plug at the end for, those warehouse shots will help with that.

I present to you, the new improved Earl, although he may still be booked in for some more surgery at a later date, rumour has it that he may be getting a new nose job!

edited by Rebel on 18/06/2015
18/06/2015 18:57:25

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 306
exquisite Cool
18/06/2015 20:47:00

Posts: 25
Earl looks great. I think he matches the voice. I was shooting for a lovable character but with a hint of an attitude. Kind of like a dialed down Joe Pesci. The cut off sleeves add to that..... What do you guys think about his little belly, would he be cooler if he was really fit? Either way I think frazzled "Earl" could have a bigger belly. Kind of a result of hitting the Squirrelweiser?
A couple of small bobbles in the recording. I get 1 mistake out and then make two new ones I sped it up and then slowed it back down until I felt it was as clear as it can be.
Warehouse photos tomorrow.
The wave file is quite large for just audio but I think the quality is good. I am sure the format can be changed from here.
18/06/2015 22:06:41

Posts: 66
O.K. Bernie, I have got the file now, sounds pretty good and the rendered video will have a different format. Just one thing, I would have preferred his accent to be a little stronger, would kind of add more to his character I think. I am a Joe Pesci fan and My Cousin Vinny is a great favourite of mine.

Regarding Earl's shape, he only comes in one stomach size so we can't put him on a diet I am afraid.
18/06/2015 22:51:03

Posts: 25
Got it Rebel, me too, the guy kills me! (no reference to Goodfellas) I will work on a new recording and give it a little more "zest".
I should probably watch Vinny again to pick up some......... aaaaa you get it.
20/06/2015 03:37:40

Posts: 66
@Bernie, I look forward to it.

@drewi, You did a great job on the nut models but I hope you don't mind if I retexture them.

20/06/2015 11:10:49

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 306
no rebel thats fine.Cool
21/06/2015 00:34:36

Posts: 66
O.K. overwrote the new racking file (Grrrrrrr...) so I've so I have had to start from scratch , I also did the tote boxes again, this time with better results, so we now have all boxes with lids. I've made some other props such as cardboard boxes for Earl's pre-tote days.

On with the set next. I think Earl would live in a basement... (thoughts?).

22/06/2015 05:35:03

Posts: 25
Basement is a good spot, the worse he and his situation were before, the better off he will look now.
Some warehouse photos as promised, not very attractive but it is a warehouse.
Let me know if you think they can work.
25/06/2015 12:37:36

Posts: 66
Sorry Bernie, hadn't forgotten you, just had a lot of work on for the past few days. No, I wasn't very clear but I was after an outside shot with a big sign but not to worry if there isn't one as I can make some virtual premises.
27/06/2015 17:00:41

Posts: 66
@ drewi Have sent you a message m8.
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