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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Key frames update 10th November

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11/11/2015 10:35:02

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
Hi Folks,

We've released an update today that fixes the the Unlicensed feature message when opening any set without a Key Frames expansion licence. It will also fix the issue of movement and animation being stripped from .SET files.

It's worth updating now.
11/11/2015 13:53:32

Posts: 13
Thanks for a quick update, It now loads my sets, unfortunetaly it don't import my character action's I've tried on all my sets and it's the same, missing character actions.

If it's just me maybe my sets have got corrupted some how.
11/11/2015 14:53:46

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
64bit full upload.
Character actions from previous sets not present.
Mandy is back though.
11/11/2015 15:57:35

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
drewi wrote:
64bit full upload.
Character actions from previous sets not present.
Mandy is back though.

Can you send me the set file?
11/11/2015 16:53:17

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
done.. sent you email.
11/11/2015 17:32:36

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Still clips mp3s to about 8 seconds.
11/11/2015 17:51:04

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I'm still getting this error on my old sets:
11/11/2015 18:11:17

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Dialogue Talk/Shush info also missing from imported sets (but works okay when recorded in a new set).
11/11/2015 18:15:52

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
No idea what it's going on about here

11/11/2015 21:06:15

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Count me among the masses - no character actions. Lip sync track is there, but it's all "Talk," even the blocks that were previously "Shush." Sorry I never tested this one since none of my sets would ever open :/

By the way, the program installed but still wouldn't start without disabling the Anit-Virus. I'm pretty sure that's on my end though.
12/11/2015 15:11:31

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
Zita wrote:
Thanks for a quick update, It now loads my sets, unfortunetaly it don't import my character action's I've tried on all my sets and it's the same, missing character actions.

If it's just me maybe my sets have got corrupted some how.

We'll make another update soon, probably early next week, to fix the character actions issue.
12/11/2015 15:11:55

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
ziggy72 wrote:
Still clips mp3s to about 8 seconds.

We're still trying to figure this one out.
12/11/2015 15:12:30

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
MrDrWho13 wrote:
I'm still getting this error on my old sets:

I suspect this is because we added a scale option to the small fire effect a few releases ago. So this is probably correct...
12/11/2015 15:12:54

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
ziggy72 wrote:
Dialogue Talk/Shush info also missing from imported sets (but works okay when recorded in a new set).

Thanks, I'll get a look into this.
12/11/2015 15:14:29

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
ziggy72 wrote:
No idea what it's going on about here

Another issue we'll need to look into. I don't think any of the morphs have actually changed so unlike the small fire error message this might actually be a bug.
12/11/2015 15:15:44

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
Danimal wrote:
Count me among the masses - no character actions. Lip sync track is there, but it's all "Talk," even the blocks that were previously "Shush." Sorry I never tested this one since none of my sets would ever open :/

By the way, the program installed but still wouldn't start without disabling the Anit-Virus. I'm pretty sure that's on my end though.

I'll get a look into the talk and shush stuff, we'll get that fixed as well.

The actions part is fixed but not yet released, it will be soon though.

I've no idea why your Anti-virus would take offence to Muvizu so suddenly
12/11/2015 15:26:54

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
Can someone send me .SET files with the lip sync broken?

All the sets I've been sent so far have talk and shush on the timeline, so they don't appear to be broken.
14/11/2015 00:31:27

Posts: 15
Its a bug? I can not record the eye movements or movements of the head. Its only with the new version.
14/11/2015 22:52:12

Posts: 7
Creeped out I can't even find where to download the Key Frames content pack (just purchased). Am I doing something wrong? dunno
It won't show up in the content pack menu within Muvizu. When I use the License Manager it tells me my license for Muvizu+ is good to go, but nothing about the Key Frames pack. Help? puppy dog eyes
14/11/2015 23:07:19

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
auroraambria wrote:
Creeped out I can't even find where to download the Key Frames content pack (just purchased). Am I doing something wrong? dunno
It won't show up in the content pack menu within Muvizu. When I use the License Manager it tells me my license for Muvizu+ is good to go, but nothing about the Key Frames pack. Help? puppy dog eyes

Once you've bought it from the store, just go to file-->upgrade-->Activate. Once you've done that you're good to go. Go to prepare actions/properties/movement for whatever you want, select key frames, then hit direct.
From there you just move the thing to where you want, when you want, and click the + button. Muvizu will generate the animation between the states depending on what option you've selected.
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Key frames update 10th November