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Home ? Tech Help ? Unable to replay movements

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28/07/2014 03:08:52

Posts: 59

Here are two screenshots which illustrate my current problem. It is happening on both my installs (both on Windows 8.1, ample RAM and GPU cards. One of these is a paid install, the laptop one is a free install)

Once I have directed the movements, I can drag the timeline pointer around and the character follows the movements.

However, when I press "PLAY" on the timeline, nothing happens. You can see that the timeline is in roughly the same position in both images, so the dog should be walking across the front of the shot, as above.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug of some kind?


EDIT - one key point I left out in the above. In each case, I have changed the location of the "movement" block in the timeline after I recorded it. This seems to be what causes the problem.
edited by oziabla on 28/07/2014
28/07/2014 04:19:42

Posts: 59
Some further investigation of the above problem...

1 - If I exit the program, re-open it, open the timeline and click play, it WILL play the first movement, but not the second.
2 - Once I touch the timeline for any other reason, (including the "rewind to start" button) there will be no further movement until I exit and re-open Muvizu.
3 - If I exit the program, re-open it, and immediately go to "Make video", it will include the first movement in the video, but not the second.
4 - If I hit the "PLAY" button in the "preview" tab of the "make video" screen, then there will be no movement ever again (...until I quit and re-open).

So it appears that the first movement will work once and once only, and only upon opening the program, and only as long as I don't do "anything" beforehand. By "anything" I mean any possible action, including simply clicking on an object.

(As you can tell, I have been opening and closing Muvizu a LOT to figure all this out).
28/07/2014 04:21:09

Posts: 59
PS - I am now pretty confident this really is a bug, so I am going to raise a support ticket.
28/07/2014 05:24:19

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
yes it is a bug. the only way around it ive found is to not move anything in your movement timeline once you have recorded something. as soon as you adjust any of the blocks the bug kicks in. so unfortunately you will have to get your timing spot on for now until its fixed. whenever that maybe. sorry.
28/07/2014 05:35:47

Posts: 59
Wow. That's a pretty serious bug - it basically eliminates some core functionality.

I've raised a support ticket, so we'll see what they have to say.
28/07/2014 10:45:18

Posts: 59
I seem to have fixed it... (!)

I went to File >> Options

Then I changed to rendering to DirectX 11 (DirectX 9 was selected, presumably a default option).

I can record and modify movements now, as well as make additional movement recordings.

(You have to quit and restart Muvizu after changing the rendering type).
edited by oziabla on 28/07/2014
28/07/2014 12:43:57

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I suspect it was the quitting and going back in that actually fixed it.
28/07/2014 22:39:22

Posts: 59
No I quit and restarted dozens of times, on two different systems. I also rebooted the machines.

The problem went away only after I changed the rendering type.
29/07/2014 09:43:33

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Wow, that's a really thorough analysis of the bug.
Next time I get it I'll see if that helps.
30/07/2014 10:15:19

Posts: 59
No problem.

Muvizu tech support have since confirmed that yes, having multiple versions of DirectX installed on your system can cause this problem. So it was time well spent. (Muvizu is rocking along now.)
14/10/2014 00:48:41

Posts: 3
Well I'm not sure how this information fixed your problem. There is no way to remove Directx9, at least from a Windows 7 install, and my Muvizu defaulted to using the DirectX11 installed on my system. Every single issue you point out, is exactly the bugs that are happening to the movement track. All the semi-work-arounds, closing and reopening allowing a single replay of the first movement block, etc, behave in the same way. Yet the *magical* fix you're claiming, isn't even an option.

This program is bugged to the point of being unusable, which is sad because what it appears to do (until you begin to use it), is very cool.
14/10/2014 03:14:14

Posts: 59
Well it worked for me.

I'm using Windows 8.1 however.
14/10/2014 05:35:25

Posts: 3
Yeah it might be a Windows 7 only thing. It's interesting that it defaulted to DirectX 9, whereas my Windows 7 install defaulted to DirectX 11. This is an awfully long time to let such a serious core work-flow bug languish for Windows 7 users though.
06/12/2014 09:20:27

Posts: 20
griessen wrote:
Well I'm not sure how this information fixed your problem. There is no way to remove Directx9, at least from a Windows 7 install, and my Muvizu defaulted to using the DirectX11 installed on my system. Every single issue you point out, is exactly the bugs that are happening to the movement track. All the semi-work-arounds, closing and reopening allowing a single replay of the first movement block, etc, behave in the same way. Yet the *magical* fix you're claiming, isn't even an option.

This program is bugged to the point of being unusable, which is sad because what it appears to do (until you begin to use it), is very cool.

The movement bug does not prevent movement of characters, it just locks a character sometimes. The easiest work around is to use the double click method to direct the characters movement, and some reports have suggested using direct x 9 instead of 11 is helpful to avoid it.
Reply I got from Muvizu.
also mentioned a update to fix but no date of when.
I will just try to work around the bug for now.
28/12/2014 00:51:53

Posts: 1
Hi .. sorry for my english but I 'm using the google translator : -S I downloaded the program a few days ago and I have the same problem too .. : -( and I do not want to delete because the program looks very good ... even , I changed some settings on the video card but it seems the problem is not that and you have to be careful too ... : -S It would be good people Muvizu , explain the problem rather than need to install windows again:- ( From Formosa - Argentina , Happy New Year to all :- )
29/12/2014 10:44:59

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Instead of dragging the white movement disc under the character, double click where you want the character to go. This should stop the problem.
02/01/2015 04:56:02

Posts: 3
I had/have the same issue. Win 7 32 bit. I manually changed to dx 11 before I used the program but it crashed every time I tried to add animation. So after trying everything I could think of', I reverted back to dx 9 and found the movement bug. A little more fussing and I found, for me anyway that even though the animations didn't play in the editor they did play when I created a the video and played it through Windows media player. What really freaked me out was my simple video of 45 seconds in length exported to a .avi video of 1.6 gb. That seems in sane, how would you ever send that to YouTube or anywhere else online?
05/01/2015 11:41:09

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
I think youtube can take most file sizes, depending on your internet speed. I've uploaded a videos that were 25gb and more.
However, AVIs beyond a certain size don't play, as far as I remember, so you might want to export as a targa sequence and put it together in a video editor.

As for the movement bug, there's not much you can do except use the double click method rather than dragging the disc.
21/02/2015 02:06:03

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
haa ha ha...manic laughter!!! just found this thread after encountering the exact problem after creating my marvelous scene with actions...
trying direct x 11 option with win 7...looks like it did the trick....trying a render next.
nurr didnt work... seemed to as all the actions played after changing to direct x11 and restarting but actions didn't render ..using x vid .
next morning ..ah....DOUBLE CLICK method...yep that works.
edited by drewi on 21/02/2015
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Home ? Tech Help ? Unable to replay movements