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04/06/2015 17:31:28

Posts: 25
Looking for someone to work with me on a set I have started. Willing to trade some product for design assistance
04/06/2015 17:53:26

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
send me some details
04/06/2015 18:57:13

Posts: 25
I am attempting to share the set I have created so far by making it a video. Not sure how to share with you. It has no audio but I have a script. Our Products are called Bin Warehouse Storage Systems and I want to use a squirrel to illustrate how they helped organize his _ _ t s. Cute squirrels voice etc.
08/06/2015 15:51:50

Posts: 66
I don't mind lending a hand if I can help Bernie.
08/06/2015 16:22:52

Posts: 25
Hi Rebel,
Thanks for the reply. I am certain that someone who has experience working with Muvizu can create something much better than I. My focus is to create a really cute and funny way to bring our product features across to people. I have been unsuccessful uploading the work I have done on my set so far, what is the best way to share a set? I also have an audio file that I created using text to type software that needs to be adjusted some and then plugged in.
Please tell me the best way to share what I have done so far and Thanks!
08/06/2015 16:44:37

Posts: 66
There are many ways to share files for free, the best known one is Dropbox, you can create an account and store up to 2GB for free. You can give other Dropbox account holders full read and write access to the files but even if they don't have a Dropbox account, they can still preview and download a copy, you just send or post a link.
08/06/2015 22:49:05

Posts: 25
I already had dropbox. I thought I would need an e-mail address to share. Please see if this link works.
09/06/2015 13:24:22

Posts: 66
No, that works fine Bernie, I have downloaded the set now, maybe you could message me with the details of exactly what it is that you need doing.
09/06/2015 14:08:26

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Me too, i now have the set .i'm not sure if i can help but will try and contribute along with Rebel if he's ok about that..
the task does appear to be a little daunting not sure i have the skills.

i imagine converting the script to a storyboard is next ?
redoing the squirrels tail and creating some nuts and the storage system in 3d also will be necessary i'm thinking.
but it all depends on the script.
09/06/2015 16:42:15

Posts: 66
I am a web designer and I also do graphic design, I don't really have any skills in 3D-Modelling other then the very basics, I prefer to use Muvizu objects where I can, as I feel that they are more suitable overall rather then being realistic.

I have very quickly put together a rough replication of your backdrop but obviously I have to make wide guesses as to the dimensions based only on a flat 2D backdrop!

As drewi said, your squirrel needs some work on him and he is more suited to that then I. It all depends on exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve.

09/06/2015 17:05:27

Posts: 25
Ok guys I used a text to voice program Balaboka to make this audio clip (see link below).
1. I need to refine the script but this will give you an idea of the direction I am trying to take.
2. I am sure we can create a much better, cooler squirrels voice than this like an Alvin the chipmunk type voice.
3. I would think we can get better results with a recorded voice that is then altered rather than text to speak, as you will see some of this is impossible to understand.
4. As Drewi said the squirrel can stand some work to make it look less like a dog converted into a squirrel. I would like to keep Earl around as our mascot, maybe even make him a sales rep. He can work on nuts for commision
I think with ability to create using this tool we can make something really interesting and catchy that will blow our other videos using people away or then divert people to our other videos.

Thanks again to you both for taking the time to look at this!!
I know how you both can get a Bin Warehouse as long as you don't live halfway across the world!
09/06/2015 18:37:38

Posts: 66
I do live halfway across the world...

Never use text-to-speech, it sounds awful. When you find your voice actor, simply use a free programme such as Audacity

You can change the pitch and tempo in effects, this is a quick example which literally took just two minutes. Link:-

Then just click on chipmunkish.mp3, it will give you an idea of the changes you can make.
10/06/2015 15:14:16

Posts: 25
I tried a reply yesterday but it did not go through? I will finalize script and record as you suggested. Would like to show a Fold-A-Tote being folded and unfolded. As shown in video link attached. If I video just that action and maybe remove hands entirely to make it look as though it is happening by itself, is it possible to drop this in the set? Also can Earl slide a Tote into the system?
Drewi can you assist with making the squirrel look more squirrel like and some 3D nuts? Before mess of nuts and After organized set?

Please see link below:

Much thanks to you both for even taking the time to look at this!

Possible to take this correspondence to a private chat between the three of us?
10/06/2015 15:46:13

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
ha! I also live half way around the world.The trouble is there isn't a way to get the squirrel more squirrel like
in muvizu it is quite limited in many respects and the best i could do was to customise the dog. i was hoping to smooth out the tail as in close up you can see the mesh.
i will begin modeling a variety of nuts.
Rebel is that a pic of the storage system or is that a model you have imported into muvizu?
10/06/2015 18:20:26

Posts: 66

Will have to see the video first to ascertain what I can do with it and yes, Earl should be able to slide a tote into place, each box is an object, just a question of your moving the tote as an object.


Neither, it's made up of components within Muvizu, see:-

If you download the set, you'll also see that I am having a go at making Earl more rodent like then canine, (still working on the feet) but it's not really my thing.

10/06/2015 18:31:44

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Thats excellent Rebel it looks far more like a squirrel now.
Storage rack is also top notch.
busy making 3d nuts..but they are going to need textures made for them so its going to take me a day or two.
edited by drewi on 10/06/2015
10/06/2015 22:10:57

Posts: 25
You guys are both very kind to do this. I will need to get a good rate on freight Product only available now in the US and Canada but we are always looking to expand so.................. Earl certainly looks like a squirrel now and with the empty space you can really see the construction of our system!!
11/06/2015 02:46:25

Posts: 66
Yeah, he looks like a cousin to Roland the Rat... Still needs some work doing on the eyes and the feet. About the system, what I did was very rough with little to go on, I'll need some close ups to do it correctly, I think I saw some flanges that need adding for wall mounting at the rear!
11/06/2015 13:29:22

Posts: 25
You did see wall mount flanges. Please see below PDF of assembly instructions which will give you a complete understanding of components.
12/06/2015 16:19:26

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Sent you both some nuts.
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